Saturday, July 28, 2007

White Women Love BJ b/w I Say Dumb Shit When I'm Tipsy

On one of our first ventures into the city, we hit up the Noc Noc bar on Haight. Within minutes a lovely white woman had engaged BJ in conversation and insisted on purchasing him a drink. "I panicked and accepted" he said. I bitched and moaned about it for just long enough to make everyone uncomfortable, but then i let it go... kinda. Fast forward to last night. We decide to hit up Emmy's Spaghetti Shack for a late night dinner. We're in the bar waiting on our table when it happens AGAIN. A lovely white woman orders up a drink for BJ. This time however i INSISTED on paying for it. I should of course mention here that this woman did not intend to by BJ a drink. In fact she had been ordering her own drink when the bartender misunderstood and handed BJ another beer. Still, the story is MUCH more exciting when i tell it my way.

In other news, I say some assholish shit when i'm tipsy. Not minutes after paying for BJ's beer, we were seated at our table. I head to the restroom and on the way out i'm stopped by a woman who says she likes my Gangsta Mittens hoodie. She asks where she can get one. I thank her for the compliment and explain that it's my nickname and that i had the sweatshirt made. She says something along the lines of "no way, you're kidding." I reply with, "no, i'm dead serious... google me tomorrow you'll see."

Google me?

Who says that? She should have punched me. But she was apparently equally tipsy as she enthusiastically replied "Ok I will!"

Upon googling myself today I found links to OKP and Myspace... wow i suck.


E said...

yeah.. that is kinda an assholeish thing to say. but we still love you :)

ES said...

BITCH I'M IN GOOGLE... WHAT! hahah dude i'm totally adopting that. and when i adopt it, here, that means its automatically international, right? so yeah, well done with that one. as for the while ladies and BJ... its true. i can't front? although i'm too cheap to buy drinks...